- sell a bear
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Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
bear — bear1 [ber] vt. BORE, borne (see 3), bearing, bore, born [ME beren < OE beran < IE base * bher , to carry, bring > L ferre, Gr pherein, Sans bharati, (he) bears] 1. a) to hold and take along; carry; transport b) to hold in the m … English World dictionary
Bear (gay slang) — Bear is LGBT slang for those in the bear communities, a subculture in the gay/bisexual male communities and an emerging subset of LGBT communities with events, codes and culture specific identity. It also describes a physical type.Bears tend to… … Wikipedia
bear squeeze — ˈbear squeeze noun [countable] FINANCE when share prices rise because it is known that people have sold these shares without actually owning them, hoping to be able to obtain them more cheaply later, before they have to deliver them to the buyer … Financial and business terms
Bear Behaving Badly — Nev And Barney Format Children s programme Starring Barney Harwood Bella Emberg Ross Mullan … Wikipedia
sell-by date — ➔ date1 * * * sell by date UK US noun [C] UK (US pull date) COMMERCE ► a date printed on the container of a product such as food after which it should not be sold: »Never eat meat that is past its sell by date. »bear/carry/have a sell by date … Financial and business terms
bear witness — I verb acknowledge, attest, authenticate, avouch, avow, certify, corroborate, give evidence, inform on, promise, seal, sell out, speak, substantiate, swear, take the stand, tell on, testify, turn informer, turn state s evidence, vouch, witness… … Law dictionary
bear market — A bear market is a period when investors are pessimistic and expect financial losses so are more likely to sell than to buy shares … The small dictionary of idiomes
Don’t sell the bear’s skin, before you have caught the bear. — См. Не убив медведя, шкуры не продавай … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
bear — Someone who thinks market prices will decline. Chicago Board of Trade glossary An investor who believes a stock or the overall market will decline. A bear market is a prolonged period of falling stock prices, usually by 20% or more. Related: bull … Financial and business terms
Bear — An investor who believes a stock or the overall market will decline. A bear market is a prolonged period of falling stock prices, usually by 20% or more. Related: bull. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * bear bear [beə ǁ ber] noun… … Financial and business terms
bear — A dealer on a stock exchange, currency market, or commodity market who expects prices to fall. A bear market is one in which a dealer is more likely to sell securities, currency, or goods than to buy them. A bear may even sell securities,… … Accounting dictionary